Three ways to reset the Craft CMS control panel password without email access

How to reset your Craft CMS admin password but email functionality isn't working

A web hosting control panel with a social network you say?

Next level collaboration features for the new platform.

Support driven development

How we use client feedback to shape our service.

Action-oriented UX

Verbs first for interfaces with more natural language.

On horizontal scaling

Why we plan to drop a signature feature of the Pro Stack.


Is something missing to bring together JS and PHP?

How we chose our new frontend stack

How we evaluated Interia and Livewire and what we ended with.

On technical limits

Fail early they say. Don't throw hardware on performance problems we say.

PHP 8.3

Changelog on new versions.

Deploy to fortrabbit with GitHub Actions revisited

Why not automate this even better?

Craft CMS CVE-2023-41892

Update your Craft CMS 4 installation, if you haven't for a while. There is a low-effort high-impact vulnerability out there.

The tyranny of inconsistent keyboard shortcuts

A rant about how difficult it is to adapt keyboard shortcuts across multiple programs as a human.

Post mortem September maintenance

Details on recent rocky updates

September 2023 updates

Changelog on new versions.

Why a GUI and not a CLI

An insight into product development at fortrabbit

Image processing in Craft CMS with the Image Toolbox plugin

How to migrate an App to the new version of MySQL here

MySQL 8 upgrades

FYI: Remaining Apps are going to be migrated to MySQL 8

Mission statement 2023

What we are up to now.

PHP 8.2

Changelog on new versions.

User account management with Craft CMS

Ready-to-use templates and detailed explanation of how they work

Testing Craft CMS sites with Pest

Using Pest to test Craft CMS websites.

PHP 7.4 support to end some day

Client information for the end of life of PHP 7.4.

Opinionated Craft CMS 4 upgrade guide

Everything you always wanted to know about updating to Craft 4 - but were afraid to ask.

Frontend testing for Craft CMS

Using Codeception and Cypress to test Craft CMS websites.

New features at fortrabbit

Basic WAF, Craft Copy for Nitro, Craft Copy for Craft CMS 4

PHP 8.1

Changelog on new versions.

PHP 7.3 support to end soon

What you might want to know about the upcoming EOL of PHP 7.3.

Things to know about fast Craft CMS websites

What we learned helping clients improving Craft CMS performance

PHP 8.0.12

Changelog on new versions.

Craft Nitro 2 first look: How to quickly set up a local Craft CMS dev site

Image processing services intro

A field guide on image transformation and optimization providers

MySQL 8 upgrade plan

How to migrate an App to the new version of MySQL here

About a recent security patch

About things that are usually not visible.

Working with geographic features and spatial data in MySQL 8

How to implement geo features in MySQL 8


Changelog on new versions.

Meanwhile at fortrabbit

Finally HTTP/2 is here, as well as some other updates

Composer 2 is about to land on fortrabbit

Composer 2 will soon be available here. What you need to know.

MySQL with JSON in Laravel

Learn about JSON columns in MySQL and how to use them in Laravel.

Let's Encrypt root certificate change

Let's Encrypt will change its root certificates. Learn how this might affect you as a fortrabbit client.

Craft Copy 1.0 released

Our command line tool to help with Craft CMS deployment on fortrabbit is now production grade ready.

PHP 7.2 support to end soon

What you might want to know about the upcoming EOL of PHP 7.2.

MySQL 8 is now available for Pro Apps

We are finally making MySQL 8 available. What clients need to know about the roll-out.

A first look at the new Craft Nitro development tool

The new tool by Pixel & Tonic, can we recommend it yet?

Privacy Shield considered obsolete, possible impacts on our hosting platform

The Privacy Shield is no longer valid. How to proceed?

Quickly set up a local Craft CMS dev site with the DDEV development tool

What's the quickest way to set up a local Craft CMS dev site? We show how to install the DDEV tool and use it to power your new and existing Craft CMS development sites.

Tools for PHP development — local dev site setup

What PHP development tools are available? What are the pros and cons of each tool?

Craft CMS SEOmatic exploit info

How to check your website and how to clean up.

PHP 7.4 and other updates

Changelog on new versions.

Covid-19 info for clients

How we prepared for the virus and what you can do.

The story of our new invoice number format

How our new invoice numbers are structured and what went wrong when we rolled it out.

Deploy to fortrabbit with GitHub Actions

Why not automate this? Let's use the new cool kid in town.

Patch updates ahead

Patches for all PHP versions planned.

PHP 7.1 is slowly fading out

Informations on upcoming PHP 7.1 switch off here.

imageMagick patch 2

Some smaller internal improvements mostly on imageMagick ahead.

Post mortem for `Under the hood updates`

Some details on recent platform problems.

Under the hood updates

Some internal changes ahead.

ImageMagick issues

The backstory of recent issues related to image transformations.

PHP 5.6 & PHP 7.0 EOL FAQ

What else you need to know about the upcoming EOL of the two PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0.

Introducing Craft Copy

A command line tool to help with Craft CMS deployment on fortrabbit.

Testing code for PHP 7

How to check your PHP code for future compability.

PHP 7.2 upgrade path

Migrating your Apps to PHP 7.2 here on fortrabbit.

On upcoming PHP deadlines

PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 deadlines: Why is so much old PHP around? What we will do!

Introducing Upper

A Craft CMS plugin to help you with pull-CDNs

Hello Teutonic CSS

Some details on our open source CSS framework.

Yes, we love open source

Props to the OSS communities and highlighting some of our open source contributions.

fortrabbit is GDPR ready

GDPR is here. Wat is changing for our clients, what not, why and when.

Your responsibility: App security

Ultimately, you are responsible for your code and as well for the 3rd party code you rely on.

Market overview: Email services for business and private

An opinionated field guide on Email as a Service providers.

How to get good support

Successful communication in customer support chat channels.

Transactional e-mails market overview

Why to use a service for transactional e-mails.

Market overview: video hosting for business

An opinionated field guide on developer-friendly video services.

Market overview: CDN services

An opinionated field guide on developer-friendly CDN services.

We are a Craft Hosting Partner

fortrabbit is now an official Hosting Partner for Craft CMS.

Market overview: Domain services for developers

An opinionated field guide on developer-friendly domain hosting services.

How we do transactional e-mails

Our real-live practices on auto-generated client e-mail communication.

Introducing the 'client invite'

You can now transfer Apps to your clients!

Platform updates

The update to the latest PHP versions caused a some downtime yesterday.

Universal App pricing V2 is here

More powerful plans, same price level.

Deploying code with rsync

Learn how to use rsync from the command line to deploy code changes (to our Universal Apps) incredibly fast.

Old App migration program

We are manually moving many Old Apps to Universal Apps to avoid downtime and data loss for stragglers.

Mastering HTTP Caching

Learn how to use CDNs as an easy-to-use edge cache.

PHP 7.1 is here

We have released PHP 7.1 for all Universal and Professional Apps.

MySQL Backups for Pro Apps

Now available: Automated backups for Professional Apps.

Universal Stack launched

Optimized for CMS driven websites - made for your needs: Backups, Git, SFTP, HTTPS & team collaboration.

Universal Stack changelog

See all platform changes with new Universal Stack.

Dashboard improvements

Quicker boarding, App access links and more.

Our Drupal 8 install guide took 540 days

What took us so long to come up with a Drupal 8 install guide.

Sneak peek

A new Hobby line, migration info for Old App owners.

The new stack chooser

Choose a framework or CMS to get started more quickly.

Introducing password authentication + dynamic help

Better Windows support and smoother boarding.

A better domain handling

A more helpful UI + forwarding naked domains.

Mission statement 2016

Where we are, what we are up to.

TLS free launched

Free SSL certificates for custom domains via Let's Encrypt are here now.

File-based CMS overview

Thoughts on flat file CMS and static site generators, mostly PHP-related.

Remote SSH execution is here

Learn how to enhance your workflows with this new feature.

HTTP/2 reality check

How we tried to test the speed benefits of the new internet protocol.

Object Storage launched

A new integrated S3 compatible cloud storage is here.

Why we don't do Add-Ons

Insights why we will not offer an Add-On program soon and what we have instead

fortrabbit just launched in the US

New data center location, new currency

That bounced payment

Insights on how we deal with bounced payments

New Worker Component released

Outsource that heavy lifting in the background — now you can.

Is PaaS dead?

Trends, pivots & troubles in PaaS hosting 2015

E-commerce in 2016

What's going on in e-commerce?

Announcing GA for New Apps

Scalable, extensible and with even more features


HTTP/2 expectations and pitfalls

CMS, quo vadis?

Are content management systems ready for the cloud?

How to keep a secret

Passwords in Git is bad, ENV vars considered harmful, now what?

Dropbox as a cloud storage

How to enable Dropbox as your App's persistent cloud storage.

S3 as a cloud storage

How to setup Amazon S3 as a cloud storage for your App.

New Apps are here

Introducing the New Apps in BETA.

PHP upgrade path (5.4), 5.6, 7.0

Which PHP versions we'll support when.

Introducing 2FA

More Account security settings.

10 pillars of modern PHP development

Our best practices in PHP application design

I love assets

CSS, JS and Images, how to generate and to deploy.

Survey results

What our users are saying and what we think it means.

About PaaS pricing

Value-based VS cost-based pricing for a hosting service.

PHP Hosting Possibilities

A stubborn analysis of hosting solutions for developers.

Small Dashboard improvements

.env import and domain DNS checks!

Roadmap to Hack App

Where we are heading to.

PHP heads

Thank you for being awesome.

Battling with billing

How hustling with accounting keeps us away from developing our service.

On password security

Discussing usability, culture and security.

New dashboard supervision

We are listening. Feedback is welcome.

Migration help

Helping existing users boarding the new dashboard.

The new Dashboard is here

That's one small step for mankind, a giant leap for us.

A new blog layout, a new engine

Tinkering with static site generation.

Blackfire profiler on fortrabbit

Blackfire profiler BETA is now available at fortrabbit.


SSL Poodle is already patched — no further action required.

New dashboard migration guide

Learn what is going to change with the new dashboard.

New dashboard mission statement

What to expect from our new dashboard.

New status page

Finally we have a dedicated downtime communication channel.

Lee Tengum about

A client interview from the real world client.

Add-Ons markdown

Price reductions for: Memcache, MySQL and Workers.

Sunsetting a few features

The SMTP Wrapper and the ReSync Tool will go away.

20 years Pretty Home Pages

Just a fancy info-graphic to say happy birthday to PHP.

Chasing 408

Those random 408 errors should finally be resolved!

New Relic BYOL

We now have the New Relic demon running.

Cloudscapes revisited

A state of the PHP cloud hosting scene overview.


This exploit is a vulnerability in the heartbeat of TLS in the OpenSSL implementation. We're patched up by now.

Support as a Service

Enhancing our platform with professional & reliable developer to developer support.

First fortran PaaS

Breaking news, fortrabbit releases a brand new stack.

Sunsetting freemium

Yep, we are going to replace our freemium with a free trial model.

PHP 5.5 and improved deployment

PHP 5.5 is finally here. This and some other news.

New year cleanup

Announcing upcoming maintenance work.

Status update

What's currently happening here and what's not.

Use Codio with fortrabbit

How to integrate the web IDE codio here on fortrabbit.

New boarding bonus

Claim an extra credit for an even better test drive of our platform.

New tasklist

Introducing a more fair and more fun freemium model.

Celebrating one year of fortrabbit

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

Freemium or free trial?

Is freemium the right business model for our service or shall we switch to a free trial model?

Laracon observations

What we have learned on the Laracon conference 2013 in Amsterdam.

Integrating codeship with fortrabbit

Learn how to do continuous integration with Codehip on fortrabbit.

User survey results

Results and learnings from our latest questionnaire among our users with 327 answers.

How we estimate hosting resources

One of the major problems all hosting providers have to solve is to make it transparent to the customer what kind of resources she needs. Our Map your App helps.

Worker Add-On released

We have a new Add-On: Workers! Learn about it and what you can do with it.

Performance / convenience

What's more important in hosting nowadays? Performance or convenience?

Sudden traffic peak

A case study.

Damn, we got pwned

fortrabbit under attack.


Behind the scenes when something goes wrong.

Free web hosting

Flat, unlimited and forever it shall be.

New write protection

Abot a new security feature.

New XSL support

Welcome Symphony CMS, we now support XSL.

1,000 developers

Our first 4 digits number! Thank you for your interest in our service!

SSH Upgrade: PHP CLI and Git

As many of you requested: PHP and Git on the shell are here!

Optional PHP extensions

Have you seen our new PHP settings page?

Goodbye WebRechnung

Shutting down an old fortrabbit service.

Fortrabbit PHPipeline 2013

Our plans for the year.

Decoupled hosting

Modularize everything!

App collaboration & owner transfer

New features in the dashboard.

Where to host my website now?

IaaS, PaaS, bare metal, shared hosting, managed hosting — Quo vadis?

The Roadmap

By 2009, computers will disappear.


We had the honor to present fortrabbit at the Berlin PHP usergroup.

Symfony2 on fortrabbit

This video shows you how easy it is to set up Symfony on fortrabbit.

FuelPHP on fortrabbit

This video show you how to install FuelPHP on fortrabbit with Git and PhpStorm.

Green cloud?

The cloud: economically attractive, but what the about ecological impact?

The meat market

What the hosting- and the meat-market have in common.

Slim PHP on fortrabbit

This videos shows you how to set up SlimPHP on fortrabbit with Git and Composer

Install Laravel on fortrabbit with Git

This video shows you how to run Laravel on fortrabbit

Hello world with PHPStorm

This video shows you a simple example with PHPStorm and fortrabbit

Release early, release often

Our iterative approach.

Take off

Fortrabbit PHP platform launched

PHP renaissance collection

Some links on newish PHP.

Multi stage deployment

How to setup a production/development work-flow for website development.

Freemium VS Bootstrapped

Bootstrapping in Berlin.

The perfect PHP platform manifest

Looking for the perfect PHP hosting platform.

About Composer

How to handle your dependencies with PHP Composer.

BETA begins

The private BETA for for our upcoming platform.

BETA survey results

Analysing the answers of our questionnaire.

A Coders Survey

Asking developers about their preferences.


Musings about the comon www. subdomain.

Support pages are on now

About the the new fortrabbit knowledge base.

Online text editors

Web IDEs everywhere! Are they any good? What's the buzz?

The freemium hosting business model

Is there such actually free web hosting?

Vendor locked-in buzz

How bound are you to your hosting provider? Does this really matter?

Custom HTTP Error Pages (Sneek Peek)

As Murphy knew: Things will go wrong. Let's be prepared for that moment. Our error pages offer some help in a dark hour. Nice looking 404, 403, 500 … pages for the rest of us.

About writable storage in modern hosting

New-school cloud or legacy LAMP style — what's state of the art in PHP hosting?

Cloudscapes – Comparing PHP Cloud Hosting Platforms

What PHP cloud platforms are currently actually out there?

What happened to our old WebHosting?

You might know that we are already running a WebHosting platform on our own servers in a data center in Berlin. What is the connection to our new upcoming PHP cloud platform?

New teaser page

Help us build the perfect platform for you — answer 20 questions.

Hello world!

The obvious first post claiming we are here to take over the world.