Billing provider research

Our journey to find a billing service provider to handle products, prices, payment methods, customers and invoices, programmatically by API.


We are currently building a new platform version for our PHP hosting service. For the current platform, we have a custom homebrew solution, which serves us surprisingly well for a decade already. Yet it shows signs of age and is missing some features, PDF invoices for example.

For the new platform, we aim to slim our codebase to launch sooner and reduce technical debt. Ideally, the billing service should be future-proof, minimizing the need to adapt to changing accounting requirements. For instance, updating VAT rates in the European Union automatically.

When we first started, invoice and billing solutions for SaaS businesses were just emerging and lacked essential features. Stripe was not yet available in the European market. We initially used WireCard, but that's a different story.

Our complicated requirements

We designed our new product catalog without constrains. It's conceptually similar to our current platform.

  • Invoice at end of month, for backdating service period
  • Prorated after usage per day
  • Plans grouped by component
  • Clients can book multiple apps

Product structure

  - XS
    - data center US1
      - price EUR
      - price USD
    - data center US2
      - price EUR
      - price USD
    - data center EU1
      - price EUR
      - price USD
    - data center EU2
      - price EUR
      - price USD
  - SM
    - …
  - MS
    - …

Above, an excerpt of the product structure. PHP is the product. XS is the first size (plan). It has different prices in different data centers and of course also in different currencies.

- My super app -> group (project)
  - production -> sub group (environment)
    - PHP XS
    - Storage XS
    - MySQL SM
  - development
    - PHP XS
    - Storage XS
    - MySQL SM
- My other app
  - production
    - PHP XL
    - Storage MD
    - MySQL SM
    - Jobs XL

Customers book apps (projects by their own name). Apps can have multiple environments (versions). Components are booked per environment. Each component is booked with one plan (size).

Invoice structure

| Item             | Daily price | Days used |  Price |
| ---------------- | ----------: | --------: | -----: |
| My super app     |             |           |        |
| production       |             |           |        |
| PHP XL           |        3.00 |        30 |  90.00 |
| MySQL XS         |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| Traffic XS       |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| Storage XS       |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| development      |             |           |        |
| PHP XS           |        0.30 |        15 |   4.50 |
| MySQL XS         |        0.30 |        15 |   4.50 |
| Traffic XS       |        0.30 |        15 |   4.50 |
| Storage XS       |        0.30 |        15 |   4.50 |
| ---------------- | ----------: | --------: | -----: |
| My other app     |             |           |        |
| production       |             |           |        |
| PHP XL           |        3.00 |        30 |  90.00 |
| MySQL XS         |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| Traffic XS       |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| Storage XS       |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| Redis XS         |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| Backups XS       |        0.30 |        30 |   9.00 |
| ---------------- | ----------: | --------: | -----: |
| total net        |             |           | 300.00 |
| VAT 20%          |             |           |  60.00 |
| total gross      |             |           | 360.00 |

At best, the customers get an invoice as outlined above to understand how costs where aggregated over the backdating period. In this example the development environment was booked for half the month.

Billing service as a hub

My understanding of a billing service is that our application will send booking and usage data to the billing service, which will then handle all other aspects of billing.

It includes financial business intelligence, covers compliance and tax-related topics, and offers standardized interfaces to connect to third-party services. Invoices and receipts are created and sent automatically. Additionally, collection, retry, and service cancellation (on bounce) are automated. You can likely find an accountant already familiar with the system.

The billing service will return a list of products with cost to populate the pricing page. It also provides information on what the customer can expect for their upcoming invoice. The billing service is smart so your application does not need to be.

A confusing market

Armed with my list of demands, I set out to find a suitable solution. I explored websites, read documentation, created accounts, and browsed product demos. However, there wasn't enough time for thorough testing and in-depth analysis of each service's pros and cons. I had to resort on gut feeling and quick decision-making based on vague assumptions. The following list of SaaS billing service providers is sorted in the order I approached them, giving you an idea of the time and effort invested.


I will not highlight price differences. Partly because it's hard to estimate final costs, partly because our main goal is to ship quickly and to have a good and stable service. Billing can be costly. Open source community solutions can offer the best price: zero.

Stripe Billing

We use Stripe as a payment processor already. I am following their development and appreciate their developer focused approach. It's obvious, that they dominate the market.

I attempted to schedule a sales call to discuss my requirements, but it wasn't possible within reasonable time. Perhaps I was too impatient or didn't phrase my questions clearly enough. 🚩

It seems that our product structure cannot be mapped effectively with Stripe Billing. However, Stripe Invoicing, which is more flexible, might fit. Stripe has developed sophisticated methods to make their service appear complex, making it seem challenging to build and maintain your own solution. When using Stripe Billing, you must use Stripe as your payment processor. Other billing services often offer more options and even support multiple payment providers simultaneously.

  • Dashboard is fancy, yet solid
  • Docs, test mode and time simulator are nice


The first open source solution with community edition and paid service I discovered.

I had a sales call with Raffi to discuss my requirements and learn about the costs and differences between the paid version and the community edition. Unfortunately, we are too small for their cloud solution. Top companies using Lago have multi-million dollar valuations or are at the Series A stage - Laravel is listed among them. The video call was very short.

So I installed the Docker container of the community edition and clicked around, created some products and customers. It has certain features, that are missing with Stripe. Quite a few features (too many?) are disabled with the community edition. My local setup was broken, after I installed an update.

  • Open source, community edition = light version
  • Periodically featured on Hacker News
  • Not on par (yet) with Stripe and other commercial solutions?
  • Active development


  • Comprehensive interface, impressive details for settings
  • Things are where I expect them to find!
  • Integrations we can not afford: Anrok, Vertex, Taxamo
  • Tax setup and configuration looks promising
  • Nice: reminder to update payment method
  • Day-based pro-ration
  • Product families to group PHP xs - xl
  • Tax configuration looks promising
  • (New) RevenueStory looks super too
  • Some bad reviews at Reddit
  • from India

Kill Bill

  • Open source around for a longer time
  • Nicely written docs
  • Interface is very bare bone
  • No PDF support out of the box


  • Hm. A lot of B2B, 'By industry', 'blurry logo'
  • Calendar billing (maybe matching our model?)


  • New sexy (stripe-like) version, maybe too shiny?
  • To prorate and bill on the next billing date.
  • Looks a bit basic compared to Stripe / Chargebee (no-code, low code)
  • 'Merchant of record' (MoR) = legal entity for selling goods on your behalf
  • from London, UK


Lemon Squeezy


During my research I was looking for an article like the one you are reading now. Unfortunately, search results are all crowded with advertising driven comparison websites. But on Reddit r/php I discovered Billabear.

I had a call with founder Ian. He is working on this for three years and knows his domain very well. The service offers a comprehensive feature set. The pricing scheme seems to perfectly fit businesses of our size. I am digging his build in public approach, discussions on GitHub.

  • It's build with Symfony
  • Made in Berlin 🐻
  • Invoice templates in TWIG!
  • Still early stage
  • Billabear


I like the idea of using a billing service hub. Yet. Our product structure and business model, as it currently looks like will not match with any of the services well enough.

During the process, I even considered radically redesigning our product structure to align with the billing service. Offering three simple plans paid in advance (perhaps annually) could lower the entry barrier compared to our current 8 components available in multiple sizes. However, I believe our product structure fits real-world requirements well. Websites have different requirements, and our detailed offering allows customers to book only what they need. "A different kind of hosting" is our motto, after all.

We naturally have responsibilities on our side. fortrabbit is not a SaaS, but a PaaS, there is a infrastructure platform attached. For instance, before we can send events to aggregate usage-based (metered) plans, we need to have a clear understanding of the usage ourselves. We need to accurately track and display web storage usage and traffic in relation to the booked plan. When autoscaling is disabled, capping needs to be applied or new resources need to be provided.

I have the tendency to default to the biggest provider, we do so for our infrastructure already. What if the small service provider goes out of business or pivots to a different business model? Yet, I expect from our own clients to find trust in us, a small service as well.

I am a visual person. The interface UI sells to me! If a dashboard is not designed well, I immediately loose trust and confidence. Even small details like a blurry pixel logo, a typo or inconsistent wordings immediately raise red flags. In addition, any enterprise sales talk will immediately turn me off. Leave me alone with your case studies, your solutions by industries. Show me the API documentation.

We address a global market. Yet we need to comply with local tax rules in Germany and Europe. Most providers seem to be ready for that. Yet having something more local is appreciated. E-invoicing does not seem to be a hot topic yet.

Current state

We haven't made a final decision yet. It will take a while until we approach technical implementation. We tend towards using Stripe Invoicing, but not Stripe Billing. By only using Stripe Invoicing we get more freedom to structure the invoices in our desired ways, grouping products by apps. It seems to be the right abstraction for us, right now. We keep the central logic, but there is a service to outsource the invoice creation. But I will also continue to explore alternatives and the red flag with sales will not be forgotten.

I learned a lot about decision making and product discovery.

What's in it for you

Congratulations if you are building a SaaS business with three simple plans (good, better, best)! It's an amazing time for you. Any of the providers listed above will serve you well. You'll get features you have considered but may need in the future. So, definitely use a billing service and avoid the temptation to build your own to get started. If you are still developing your business model, make careful decisions. Consider adapting your product structure to fit the available options.

Making a buying decision is hard, cause it's a market of lemons. You will probably have to resort to recommendation or some peer signal you received. Sorry that I can not present you a winner here.

Keep an eye on data ownership and lock-in.

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