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The meat market

MeatHosting Illustration by Frank Lämmer

The meat market

All experts agree that meat prices are much too low. The brutal price competition results in factory farming and the massive usage of antibiotics. That's not good - neither for the animals nor for us customers. We eat too much meat and get too fat. How to fix it: Go to your butcher of trust. Ask about the welfare of animals and meat quality. Eat meat more consciously. Vote for a party that supports meat market regulation.

The hosting market

Here competition is also driven by price dumping. Hosting plans are mostly compared by their price tags. Unlike animals bits and bytes are comfortable stored in a tight metal box. But legacy technology, ugly web interfaces and sloppy implementations cause headaches for us web developers. How to fix it: Go to your hosting provider of trust. Ask about the infrastructure and deployment. Calculate carefully what is more valuable, a cheap hosting offer or developing productivity?

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