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Support pages are on now

UDPATE 2014-10: We have switched support to help.fortrabbit.com — using our on slim PHP system.

The help pages for our (upcoming) PHP PaaS are basically kind of ready. Well, you know – the lean way. Have a sneek peak:

Finding the right help system

We have finally decided to use desk.com (formally Assistly) for our support and documentation. We have been poking around with this for a long time. The help for our old service was based on a wiki engine. This wasn't so bad, but we wanted something new and Wikis are somehow last century. Our original idea was to create an own solution based on Ulis light weight zerocms. This way we would have been able to edit articles directly in the text editor in markdown synatx and manage changes simply with Git. But this would not have included a search and no feedback. And we don't want to reinvent the wheel for everything we do nowadays. So: Desk.com is ok, but it's a bit overloaded for us. We are not quite sure if we really need all the fancy support desk features. The WYSIWYG editor in the knowledge base really sucks of course. Looking at other Startups shows me that they have a hard time with their user documentation/manual too. Advantages of such a SaaS help desk are: an integrated search function and feedback/reaction tools for users. Well, maybe something really slim based on Jekyll or zerocms would have been better for us.

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