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Yes, we love open source

fortrabbit wouldn't be possible without great open source projects. So we are thinking about ways to give back.

Open source everywhere

The fortrabbit hosting platform itself is a combination of several open source software systems to make your life as a developer a little more convenient. The operating system is Linux, Ubuntu + Debian. We are making use of LXC and Docker for virtualization. The web-servers Apache, NGINX and HAProxy are running here side by side. There is Golang and PHP itself. Not to forget about Git and Composer. And these are just the most obvious ones. The list goes on.

You as a developer will most likely again use more open source here. WordPress, Laravel, Symfony or all the great Composer packages.

It's obvious that there would be no fortrabbit without open source.

How to give back

So why is fortrabbit not open source? That's a good question. Maybe we have missed something in the initial design. Wouldn't it be great to have a community edition and a hosted edition of fortrabbit? Maybe. But so far our approach is a bit different. The platform is an abstraction layer on top of Amazon Web Services. It combines different AWS services to a single experience. In order to do so, we need to setup and actually run a base infra. It takes quite some Apps running on the infra to level out the costs, so there would not be many use cases and benefits of running such a self-hosted community edition. And there are other considerations as well.

Contributing. Our best approach for now is by more individual open source involvement. Projects that are related to fortrabbit, more or less closely. "Follow" us on GitHub.

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